Why Colgate Should Apologize to A Generation of Indians?

One generation of Indians owe an apology from Colgate Palmolive for misleading them through their dental hygiene narrative.

My hatred for Colgate's hypocrisy gets accentuated every time I notice Priyanka Chopra grinning wide, flaunting a salt-based toothpaste with power of neem that were traditionally the common sources of dental cleaning agents of the rural Indian masses. 

One generation of Indians owe an apology from Colgate Palmolive for misleading them through their dental hygiene stories.

I still wonder why the Indian Dental Association leadership did not raise even a whisper when Colgate Palmolive went hammer and tongs at Indian traditional dental hygiene products in the 80s.

Why Colgate Should Apologize to A Generation of Indians?

May be that was the time when Colgate-IDA scholarship programme was launched for young dental students or the timing was just a coincidence?

For over three decades Colgate & Indian Dental
Association acknowledge the achievements of
dental students who have demonstrated academic
excellence through the IDA-Colgate Scholarships.
  • The student desirous of getting the Scholarship should be an under graduate student of BDS and an IDA Member.
  • Such student should be amongst the first three rank holders in the respective BDS academic year.

That's what Colgate - your partner in oral health- describes on this website. 

But native wisdom soon got the better of the false dental hygiene theory floated by his urban counterpart to negate the traditional methods.

Believe it or not, today Colgate Total Charcoal Deep Clean toothpaste costs more than the price ofnormal Colgate toothpaste.

In hindsight, I feel the then IDA leaders too owe an explanation a generation of young Indians, who grew up feeling inferior about the traditional wisdom.

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